
Консултация в Оптика в Плевен
Получете професионална консултация при избор на диоптрична рамка от Д-р Христов в Оптика в Плевен, съобразно нуждите и предпочитанията на клиента, специфичните анатомични особености на лицето и модните тенденции.
Professional consultation for choosing a prescription frame based on the client’s prescription, needs, and preferences, as well as the specific anatomical features of their face and current fashion trends.
Fitting and adjustment of prescription frames.
Children's prescription frames and corrective lenses – professional consultation.
Accurate measurement of diopters on the customer's glasses.
Light repairs of dioptric frames - replacement of drift supports, screws, handles, correction of tips.
Before ordering prescription glasses, you need a precise eye test. If you have a prescription, we will work on it or check it if you like.
We will take into account the results of the vision tests and recommend the most suitable prescription glasses, depending on your needs and the chosen frame. The glasses are centered and fitted to the frames extremely precisely by our optician.
When ordering new glasses, it is recommended that you bring documents with information about your old dioptric lenses to the optician, this way we will be able to guarantee you better results.
- Comprehensive eye exams
- Prescription glasses
- Contact lences
- Treatment of eye diseases
- Adjustment and repair of frames
Защо да изберете в Оптика в Плевен
Нека Оптика в Плевен се погрижи за зрението ви

Д-р Христов предоставя надеждни решения за грижа за очите, като се стреми да опази здравето на зрението ви и да подобри цялостното ви благосъстояние. С ангажимент за високи постижения и иновации ние се стремим да надминем вашите очаквания.
Experienced doctors
Consult with our experienced specialists.
High-quality frame
Discover high-quality frames for your glasses.
Affordable price
Browse our selection of high-quality glasses.
Latest technologies
Discover the latest technologies for modern eye care.
Make an inquiry
Phone Number
Pleven, Str. N. Rakitin 2
Working hours
Monday - Friday 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM